From the Philadelphia Inquirer, an article about rowhouses near Temple University: "A long-blighted swath of about a quarter of a square mile is being reinvented, however frenetically, by dozens of developers. [Temple's] five residence halls couldn't absorb the surge, and in 2004 the administration decided that going forward, only freshmen and sophomores could live on campus. 'The strategy was that the private market would provide the housing' for the ousted upperclassmen, said Kenneth Lawrence Jr., senior vice president for government, community and public affairs. Lured by an abundance of barren lots and a guaranteed clientele, an estimated 45 developers have worked on at least 600 mostly bite-size pieces of the neighborhood. Builders continue to woo homeowners such as Bertha Cohen, a great-grandmother who has lived in the neighborhood more than 35 years. They call and write urging her to sell, she said, and 'they're always sticking papers in your door.'" Full article here.