From Calgary Herald writer Kathy McCormick: "Like a true mosaic, the pieces fit together to create a unified whole that is esthetically pleasing. But Brookfield Homes multi-family has added one other important ingredient: practical living space. The condo developer has made Mosaic a household name in Calgary, building the townhouse units throughout different communities around the city, and they have been snapped up eagerly by buyers looking for that special combination at the right price. 'Since our inception in 1995, we've built 2,600 multi-family homes in Calgary alone,' says Wendy Jabusch, vice-president of Calgary Housing for Brookfield. 'This is our 19th multi-family project, and only three were not Mosaics. It really is a true mosaic, a connotation that, to me, means differentiation of product that's inclusive to all buyers.' The Mosaic Mirage template for its latest development, the last multifamily property left in the popular McKenzie Towne in the southeast, will reflect that. It is a 286-unit complex -- the largest ever built so far -- that consists of the traditional two-storey row townhomes that are the trademark of Mosaic, but it will add new models." Full article here.
In The Black Swan, Nassim Nicholas Taleb describes how mass production and marketing consolidates profits in a few companies, e.g. consumers are entertained by Hollywood stars on video rather than thousands of actors in community theaters. A well-designed townhouse or other small, adaptable-use, urban building prototype, inherently repeatable, properly branded and marketed, could become a blockbuster product for a lucky company.