From Urban Land magazine writer Theodore Thoerig: "Burnside Rocket is not your average project. The infill development in Portland, Oregon, rated LEED Platinum, has a ground-floor pub, two levels of shared office space, a top-floor restaurant, and a rooftop garden. The four-story building, which won a 2011 ULI Award for Excellence, is a case study in multi-functionality: operable window panels double as canvases for local artists, the roof garden provides fresh produce for the restaurant, and water from an underground aquifer both cools the building and yields 4,500 gallons (17,000 liters) of potable water each day — profits from which the developer plans to donate to local public schools.
"The designer and owner of Burnside Rocket, Kevin Cavenaugh, is not your average developer, either. He has made a name for himself in Portland designing and building small infill projects in burgeoning neighborhoods. 'My goal is to change the world 3,000 square feet at a time, and the only way that will happen is if others take my ideas as support for their own practice,' explains Cavenaugh. True to his word, all his work — from computer-aided design drawings to pro formas — is available on his website, a kind of open-source program for real estate developers." Full article here (requires ULI membership). Sounds like we have another Hall of Fame-er.