Seattle block made up of many narrow buildings has more variety than block-long complex

From Crosscut writers Don Fels and Patricia Tusa Fels: "Density needn’t be a problem.  But instead Seattle has seen poorly thought-through and poorly executed mid-rise buildings in the name of density. "It's not that these buildings house too many people. It’s that the vast majority do so on an inappropriate scale, without imagination, without finesse, and usually without even a nod to what else already exists there.

"Replacing all the buildings on a city block with one giant complex created by one developer, though profit-making, is not the wisest way to grow our urban fabric. Just look at The Joule on Broadway, which takes up an entire city block.

"Directly across the street sits another mixed use six-story apartment complex. The only difference: This structure takes up only a portion of the block. Thanks to the differing scales of buildings on the block, different-sized storefronts have attracted a wider assortment of retailers."  Full article here.