ULI recently started a Small-Scale Development initiative, including a series of 2-day meet-ups around the country, special events at larger ULI conferences, and an online community. From the website: "Join other entrepreneurial developers who are focused on infill and smaller-scale projects for this exclusive ULI members only program. The result is an intimate alliance of professionals engaged in an ongoing exchange of best practices in the niche area of small-scale and infill development." I went to the 2nd meet-up (last year in DC) and enjoyed it, and more importantly the program is going in the right direction, strengthening small-increment infill developers individually and as a community. The next meet-up will be Feb 28 to March 1 in New Orleans. I'll be attending, and I encourage you to consider and fwd this invitation to anyone who may be interested. Below is the program outline, and you have to apply at the link above.
- Thurs, Feb 28, 3 PM: Registration followed by panel discussion, reception, and dinner.
- Fri, March 1, 8:30 AM to 5 PM: Panel, project tour, skills instruction, and deal sharing.
- Panel Discussion: Lessons from the Worst Deal I Ever Did
- Panel Discussion: New Normal, New Opportunities
- Project Tour & Case Study: Adaptive Use, Infill
- Skill Instruction: Entity Formation for Small Developers
- Skill Instruction: Capital Structure Options and Implications
- Skill Instruction: Finding the Best Consultants
- Skill Instruction: Deal Presentation Tips
- Attendee Deal Sharing: What Can I Do Differently